Interview with Marco Leonardi on Class CNBC
On air today on Class CNBC an interview with Marco Leonardi, a member of the teaching staff of the Jean Monnet Chair, on the state of implementation of the PNRR. The interview is also available online at this link. ...
Op-ed by Marco Leonardi on ‘Il Foglio’
In ‘Il Foglio’ of 27 February, a new op-ed by Marco Leonardi, a member of the Jean Monnet Chair's teaching staff: ‘Less national debt, more common debt. The exchange that Italy should propose to the EU'. The full op-ed on the Foglio website at this link....
Op-ed by Marco Leonardi on ‘Il Foglio’
In 'Il Foglio' of February 21, an op-ed by Marco Leonardi, a teaching staff member of the Jean Monnet Chair. The full op-ed on the Foglio website at this link. ...
Op-ed by Francesco Giavazzi on ‘Il Corriere della Sera’
On 'Corriere della Sera' of 18 February, from the front page, an op-ed by Prof. Francesco Giavazzi, emeritus of political economy at Bocconi University in Milan and teaching staff member of the Jean Monnet Chair. Full op-ed on at this link. ...
‘European Lessons’: second event
Second appointment with the “European Lessons” organized by “Il Sabato delle idee,” under the patronage of Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Studies, University of Naples Federico II and IRCCS SYNLAB SDN, this time on the theme “Today's and Tomorrow's Europe: the Union's Institutions and Hypotheses...