Op-ed by Francesco Giavazzi on ‘Il Corriere della Sera’
On the front page of the Corriere della Sera of 24 March, a new op-ed by Prof. Francesco Giavazzi, emeritus of political economy at the Bocconi University of Milan and teaching staff member of the Jean Monnet Chair.The full op-ed on Corriere.it at this link....
Op-ed by Serena Sileoni on ‘La Stampa’
In 'La Stampa' of 13 March, an op-ed by Serena Sileoni, holder of the Jean Monnet Chair, on the conclusion of the NRRP review process. ...
Podcast: first episode
This episode of the 'Istituto Bruno Leoni' podcast dedicated to the NRRP was produced together with the Jean Monnet Chair NextGEUOrder. https://youtu.be/VRAPeOgDSUQ?feature=shared ...