Scientific article by Serena Sileoni on Munus: ‘From theory to practice: the principles of the reform of local public services and the rules on user support forms’
On Munus a scientific article by Serena Sileoni, holder of the Jean Monnet Chair, on the reform of public services : a reform approved as an objective of the NRRP and which constituted a reorganisation of a regulatory framework that had been inconstant for decades,...
Conference ‘The future of the European Union’ at Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples
On 21 and 22 October, the conference ‘The Future of the European Union’ organised by the Jean Monnet Chair ‘European Order after the Next Generation EU’ (NextGEUOrder) will be held at the Suor Orsola Benincasa University in Naples. The session on Monday 21 (3 p.m.), dedicated...
Article by Marco Demarco (Corriere del Mezzogiorno) on the forthcoming conference of the JMC NextGEUOrder on the future of the European Union
An article by Marco Demarco in today's Corriere del Mezzogiorno speaks about the conference on the future of the European Union, organised by the Jean Monnet Chair NextGEUOrder, to be held on 21 and 22 October at the Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples. The session...
Scientific article by Serena Sileoni on Rivista AIC: ‘The reform of the stability pact and its impact on national political direction’
On Rivista AIC a scientific article by Serena Sileoni, Chair Holder of the JMC NextGEUOrder, about the reform of the stability pact and its impact on national political direction. The article is available at this link, and can be downloaded here. ...
“35 Years of Jean Monnet Actions” Anniversary Conference
The Jean Monnet Chair NextGEUOrder was at the “35 Years of Jean Monnet Actions” Anniversary Conference, organised by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, in Brussels on 9-10 October 2024. Serena Sileoni, Chair Holder of the NextGEUOrder JMC, was on the Advisory...
Scientific article by Davide De Lungo on Federalismi: ‘The prospects of generative AI in the exercise of parliamentary functions of control and direction. An initial constitutional framing, between information asymmetry and form of government’
On ‘Federalismi’ a scientific article by Davide De Lungo, teaching staff member of the Jean Monnet Chair, which highlights how generative AI can emerge as a factor to rebalance the parliamentary role in the ‘NRRP model’ of the relationship between the EU and national legal...
Op-ed by Serena Sileoni on ‘La Stampa’
On La Stampa of 28 July, an op-ed by Serena Sileoni, holder of the Jean Monnet Chair, about NRRP and the annual law for competition. The entire op-ed is available on the La Stampa website at this link. ...
Op-ed by Francesco Giavazzi on ‘Il Corriere della Sera’
On ‘Corriere della Sera’ of 19 July, from the front page, a new op-ed by Prof. Francesco Giavazzi, emeritus of political economy at the Bocconi University of Milan and member of the teaching staff of the Jean Monnet Chair. The full op-ed on at this link. ...